ASLIB PROCEEDINGS: incorporating Aslib Information
At the February evening meeting Dr T. C. Barker of the Department of Economic History, London School of Economics, will be talking on ‘Business records for the future’. Mr Geoffrey Woledge, Librarian of the British Library of Political and Economic Science, will take the chair. Dr Barker will discuss the impossibility of preserving all business records, and the need to foresee what type of document is likely to be called for in the future, either by members of the particular business concerned or by historians who are called in to write the history of a firm. Broadly speaking, it is the policy documents that need to be kept and the day‐to‐day records that can often be disposed of; but there are exceptions to this general rule.
(1964), "ASLIB PROCEEDINGS: incorporating Aslib Information", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 16 No. 1, pp. 1-5.
Copyright © 1964, MCB UP Limited