Time and Motion Study Volume 3 Issue 2
Electronics in the Service of Man. It has been estimated that the current publication of technical matter is 60 million pages annually. The task of the future research worker, therefore, is likely to be a heavy one as 25 per cent of the total time to complete any future research project may be needed to find, correlate and assimilate past knowledge. But the research worker of the future will have one big aid—an electronic machine, now being developed by the Battelle Memorial Institute, Ohio, U.S.A., which may be able to scan up to five million published documents per hour and identify those relating to the specific information needed.
(1954), "Time and Motion Study Volume 3 Issue 2", Work Study, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 9-60. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb048061
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited