The latest and greatest: Upgrade, replace, or stall? Part II: Software
IBM owners who upgraded to PC‐DOS 4.0 may rightly whimper when confronted with software upgrades—and this time, thanks to System 7, Macintosh owners don't get to nod smugly either. Whether at the system level or in applications, software upgrades can reduce the most expert techie to tears of frustration. At least with hardware, the manufacturers don't send you notices that it's time to change to a new version for a modest additional fee. Software involves more frequent upgrades than hardware, but the choices are no less difficult. The author recounts some personal experiences and offers some guidelines that may or may not do you any good. The author also provides notes from July‐September 1991 PC literature. Other than the drum‐beating for DOS 5.0 (not cited here), it's been a mixed period: some interesting material with few breakthroughs.
Crawford, W. (1991), "The latest and greatest: Upgrade, replace, or stall? Part II: Software", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 97-111.
Copyright © 1991, MCB UP Limited