Human‐computer interfaces and OPACS: Introductory thoughts related to INNOPAC
Research in the area of human‐computer interfaces offers guidance for enhancing online catalogs to satisfy patrons' information needs in a “user‐friendly” environment. This article briefly describes human‐computer interfaces and the fundamentals of good human‐computer communication. These concepts are then used as the criteria for evaluating the benefits and shortcomings of San Diego State University Library's INNOPAC, the PAC. In the final analysis, the PAC is not perfect—no system is. It has, however, made strides to overcome some of the failings of second‐generation online public access catalogs.
Henry, H.K. (1991), "Human‐computer interfaces and OPACS: Introductory thoughts related to INNOPAC", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 63-68.
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