System Documentation: A Symposium on Printed Documentation for Computer Systems
Good system documentation is the backbone to the success of any automated system, for only through complete and thorough documentation can the user fully understand and utilize a system's capability. This symposium focuses on printed documentation and the many related applications that affect the daily lives of computer users. Printed documentation takes different forms, including user and reference manuals, tutorials, reference cards, and “cheat sheets.” The various forms are produced by both system vendors and system users, the latter frequently adapting and modifying vendor‐prepared documentation to reflect local practice and meet specialized training needs.
Kaplan, D., Mischo, L., Bills, L., Matthews, J., Rosenberg, V., Anderson, B.E., Alley, B. and LaRue, J. (1989), "System Documentation: A Symposium on Printed Documentation for Computer Systems", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 7 No. 4, pp. 29-40.
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