Wire‐bonding on Printed Circuit Boards
Although wire‐bonding is an established and well‐known technique for micro‐joining on leadframes, direct die‐attach without housing on printed circuit boards has some new requirements for the surface of the bond pads and the PCB itself. The best choice of material for the bond pads is a pure gold metallisation. The quality of the surface can be tested during wire‐bonding using the ultrasonic‐power process window. It will be shown that the surface and the PCB itself have a considerable influence on the ultrasonic and thermosonic bonding process.
Falk, J., Hauke, J. and Kyska, G. (1994), "Wire‐bonding on Printed Circuit Boards", Circuit World, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 8-13. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb046247
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