Alternative Solders for Electronics Assemblies: Part 2: UK Progress and Preliminary Trials
This is the second of two papers reporting work carried out under a programme sponsored by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), involving collaboration between the above companies and research centres. The objectives of the programme are to identify/develop lead‐free alternatives to Sn‐40Pb solder, progress towards the development of which is described in this paper. A number of promising alloys have been selected for trial in a further round of experimentation.
Vincent, J.H., Richards, B.P., Wallis, D.R., Gunter, I.A., Warwick, M., Steen, H.A.H., Harris, P.G., Whitmore, M.A., Billington, S.R., Harman, A.C. and Knight, E. (1993), "Alternative Solders for Electronics Assemblies: Part 2: UK Progress and Preliminary Trials", Circuit World, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 32-34.
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