The role of online information systems in non‐government organisations — MISANET
I know that the Information Superhighway is overtyped and over here, but I would be keen to look at the role that information technology, and specifically online systems, are playing in allowing a wide variety of organisations, both in South Africa and regionally, to communicate effectively with each other and thereby bypassing the traditional (and very often constrictive) media that previously controlled the dissemination of information. It seems that non‐government organisations (NGOs), despite their budgetary constraints, are ahead of other organisations in implementing effective and imaginative information technology solutions to their communication problems. Organisations like Planact, Sangonet and so on have managed to set up effective e‐mail and database systems that allow them to keep in touch with their members. MISANET is an interesting case study. It is an ambitious plan to network all the independent newspapers and media organisations in Southern Africa. The project is being run under the auspices of MISA — the Media Institute of Southern Africa, an NGO that acts as a watchdog for press freedom in Africa. The aim of the project was initially to provide a means of digital exchange for photographic images but it has mushroomed into a fully‐fledged electronic information exchange system with a wide gamut of services — from e‐mail to databases. MISANET plans to make use of the existing networks that are in place in some of the countries in the area as well as set up new ones, to create a blanket computer network system that will allow newspapers to be online constantly to each other. The service will initially rely on existing Internet connections like Uninet, the Internet provider in universities in South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Swaziland. The resources of a number of local NGOs will also be pooled to provide greater connectivity. These include MANGO in Harare, Zangonet in Zambia and Worknet in South Africa.
Badal, S. (1995), "The role of online information systems in non‐government organisations — MISANET", The Electronic Library, Vol. 13 No. 4, pp. 279-282.
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