Use of hypertext for teaching and training: a bibliography
This bibliography was originally compiled for the purpose of a Doctoral degree submitted to Loughborough University of Technology in March 1993. The information in this bibliography, which was started in the last quarter of 1989, was continuously updated by collecting data from all the important current journals and abstracting and indexing sources. It covers all of hypertext, including HyperCard and other hypertext/hypermedia systems which are being used for teaching and training. These systems are also used for conducting research in this field. Full efforts were made to cover all the publications such as periodical articles, conference papers/Proceedings, books and reports that were published until the first quarter of 1993.
Ramaiah, C.K. (1993), "Use of hypertext for teaching and training: a bibliography", The Electronic Library, Vol. 11 No. 6, pp. 409-417.
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