The Influence of Termination Effects with respect to the Behaviour of Thin‐film Resistors
Termination resistances can affect the behaviour of thin‐film resistors. Depending on the dimensions of a resistor both the TCR and the long‐term stability will be affected, while the termination resistance forms part of the practical resistance value. This paper deals with the results of an investigation concerning the influence of termination resistances with respect to the behaviour of thin‐film resistors. Three thin‐fiim technologies were investigated. Values for the resistance, TCR and ageing drifts of both the bulk material and the terminations will be discussed. Some remarks on the structure of a termination will be mentioned.
de Groot, P. (1987), "The Influence of Termination Effects with respect to the Behaviour of Thin‐film Resistors", Microelectronics International, Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 30-33.
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited