BMA Library Online: library development of Web‐based services and resources
This paper discusses the development of Web based services and resources by the BMA Library. Web access to the library's MEDLINE Plus service has been extended to include Web access to the library's Dynix/Ameritech catalogues and the introduction of a central, public Website. The library has long focussed on providing distance services to a widely dispersed user population. In using available technologies to do this efficiently, in ways that are most beneficial for our users and which will allow a high degree of user independence. The library's public Website, and a private staff Website, are developed and maintained by the library's own Web development team. Future plans, to add further interactivity to the library's public Website and the provision of further Web‐based services and resources for members, are also outlined.
Rowlands, J. (1999), "BMA Library Online: library development of Web‐based services and resources", VINE, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 25-34.
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