The University of Oslo's Informatics Library and the World‐Wide Web
It is common for libraries to develop Web sites for the provision of access to resources stored on remote systems: the priority of the University of Oslo's Informatics Library, in contrast, is to use Web functionality to place as many as possible of its own services on the desktop of its users. Through a combination of email and Web interfaces with the Library's bibliographic catalogue, classification scheme and housekeeping system, users can search databases, browse indexes, view loan information, display full texts and order documents directly from their Web browser. Other facilities include a clickable floor‐plan, and direct Web access to faculty, university and national OPACs.
Hegna, K. (1995), "The University of Oslo's Informatics Library and the World‐Wide Web", VINE, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 24-31.
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