The Dynix PAC at Napier University of Edinburgh
As well as the obvious application of access to the library's learning resources, Napier's OPAC is used to combat the problem of a three‐site university campus with no obvious social centre. This is being achieved by the availability across the network of information about clubs and societies and events; a question and answer facility aids communication amongst users as well as between users and staff. In addition a number of self‐service activities maybe performed by users of the system, including the placing and cancelling of reservations, the monitoring of personal information and the placing of advance bookings for short loan material.
Corrigan, L., Dunsire, G., Hamilton, G. and MacKillop, P. (1993), "The Dynix PAC at Napier University of Edinburgh", VINE, Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 24-32.
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