ORGANIZATIONAL SRATEGY: From Darwin to Now: The Evolution of Organizational Strategies
On the morning tide, December 27, 1831, The HMS Beagle, captained by Robert Fitzroy, set sail from Devonport harbor in the southwest of England. She was bound, on this morning after Boxing Day, for South America and the Pacific Ocean to chart ocean depth and to undertake any necessary scientific and military investigations. As The Beagle cleared the protective embrace of the harbor and plunged into the channel proper, below her decks lay Fitzroy's friend and companion, Charles R. Darwin. Darwin was at the time miserably, wretchedly, violently seasick.
Foster, L.W. (1985), "ORGANIZATIONAL SRATEGY: From Darwin to Now: The Evolution of Organizational Strategies", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 94-98.
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