The Online Search Centre of the British Library has produced a concise but informative introductory guide to equipment and search techniques for online searching in the fields of science and technology. There have been a number of publications produced to assist would‐be online searchers but none quite so straightforwardly and practically helpful to beginners. It covers “what online searching is”; the basic equipment needs; choice of hosts and databases; the construction of search strategies; and downloading; and gives some sample searches to emphasise the points made. This publication should be a best seller for the British Library. It can be obtained from the Publications Sales Unit, The British Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ at £12. The details are: Online Searching in Science and Technology, 1988, The British Library Online Search Centre, 54 pp., ISBN 0 7123 0760 5.
Ashworth, W. (1989), "Alerts", New Library World, Vol. 90 No. 3, pp. 53-57.
Copyright © 1989, MCB UP Limited