Microfiche in a special library
THE USE OF microfilm in libraries is generally limited to archival storage of back‐files of serials which have been purchased from one of the organisations which specialises in microfilming. A reader is provided in the library and sometimes a reader/printer may also be available. Library staff may seem apathetic to documentation in microform and sometimes report considerable user resistance. However there is an increasing acceptance of the role which microfilm can play in information management. In these days of high inflation rates, go‐ahead business concerns have been the first to realise the enormous space savings offered by microfilming, with the resultant savings on rents. It has also been found, in many cases, that access to information is also easier.
THOMAS, P.A. (1975), "Microfiche in a special library", New Library World, Vol. 76 No. 2, pp. 43-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb038239
Copyright © 1975, MCB UP Limited