Behaviour in libraries—2
In the first part of this article on behaviour in libraries, published in the January issue of NLW, Peter Jordan discussed librarians' approach to readers' behaviour in libraries, identifying two main ways—the instinctively correct behaviour to be expected, and the examination of the phenomenon as worthy of sociological study. Dominant and subordinate behaviour were considered, together with social reasons for them, attitudes to noise in the library, and the effects of physical contraints presented to readers by a particular library environment. In the conclusion to his article, Peter Jordan looks at the face‐to‐face contact between librarian and reader, reader service, and common regulations. The references cited are in a single numerical sequence from part one forward.
JORDAN, P. (1974), "Behaviour in libraries—2", New Library World, Vol. 75 No. 2, pp. 36-37.
Copyright © 1974, MCB UP Limited