Off the cuff
OUR EDITORIAL in the January NLW dealt with the terminology for resource centres and their content. Since then we have dipped into Advances in librarianship, vol 1 1970, read Chase Dane's article on ‘The changing school library’, and do not like the term ‘instructional media center’, either. Nor do we like the insistence in the article that the purpose of an imc is different from that of a conventional library. ‘The new facilities it demands’, says Dane, ‘reflect a new approach with emphasis on individualized instruction, and a fresh way of helping students learn’. ‘Always before’, we read, ‘the value of the school library has been limited to students who could read or who liked books or who were able to use them effectively. The imc has changed all this. It appeals to the non‐reader as well as to the reader. A student doesn't have to be a good reader to get help from the library. Even if he is a poor reader, there is now a way, through audio‐visual materials, for him to acquire the knowledge he wants’.
(1972), "Off the cuff", New Library World, Vol. 73 No. 9, pp. 229-242.
Copyright © 1972, MCB UP Limited