‘Maintenance ‐Operations and Economics’
PREDOMINANT areas of concern to the Licensing Authority with relation to the above conference were defined as the maintenance requirements and procedures relating to Transport and Aerial Work Category aircraft, with particular reference to large transport types and helicopters. All UK transport operators must hold an air operators certificate and it is the responsibility of the Airworthiness Division of the CAA to set the maintenance requirements and standards and the subsequent monitoring. The importance of control procedures cannot be over‐emphasised and it is considered by the CAA that work planning play a major role in maintenance and is a key activity for a successful and safe maintenance operation. The legal liability problem is making itself felt in all aspects of aircraft maintenance work as well as design engineering and makes vital the meeting of all legal requirements including appropriate history records.
Ford, T. (1987), "‘Maintenance ‐Operations and Economics’", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 59 No. 6, pp. 2-3. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb036454
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited