The Library Shelf
This book, published under the authority of the Royal Aeronautical Society, contains abundant information on all aspects of current landing gear design. In collecting this information, most of the British, and many foreign, installations have been analysed. Through his considerable experience the author is well qualified to offer much valuable advice, sometimes contentious, on proven solutions and pitfalls to avoid. The substance is presented in an admirably forthright manner and, being well supported by relevant facts, figures and references, cannot fail to recommend itself to the expert and novice alike. In a work of this nature where there is so much ground to be covered, a good balance is achieved and digression is limited by directing the reader to other published information on the appropriate occasions. In his criticism, the reviewer has in mind the requirements of the ‘young engineer or student to whom the book is addressed’.
(1958), "The Library Shelf", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 30 No. 7, pp. 213-213.
Copyright © 1958, MCB UP Limited