Tensor Analysis of Finite Rotations: Applications to Aircraft Manoeuvres, Variable Sweep Wings, Retractable Undercarriages
IN Part I the motion of an aircraft, designated by the position‐tensor X, was considered relative to a fixed reference frame E. Now in our analysis of the motion of a wing, designated by the position‐tensor U, the relevant reference frame is X, though X is still free to move relative to E. The hinge on which the wing moves in the aircraft is denoted by the unit vector h, and for any specified hinge‐axis the components of h with respect to both U and X will have fixed values. The basic notation, following the principles adopted in Part I, Section (2), is therefore
Bateman, E.H. (1958), "Tensor Analysis of Finite Rotations: Applications to Aircraft Manoeuvres, Variable Sweep Wings, Retractable Undercarriages", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 30 No. 6, pp. 167-169. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb032977
Copyright © 1958, MCB UP Limited