U.S. Patent Specifications
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
ISSN: 0002-2667
Article publication date: 1 January 1954
In an aerofoil construction that includes a main aerofoil portion and a semi‐floating droopable section flexibly suspended at its upper inner surface by an integral flexible portion thereof from the adjacent surface of the main aerofoil portion; means for positively and pivotally supporting said section for down‐wardly rcflexing same, comprising: a support attached at one end to, and projecting longitudinally from, the main aerofoil portion; a link disposed between the unattached end of the support and the upper inner surface of said section and pivotally connected at its ends to the support and to said section; and an actuating member for reflcxing said section pivotally attached to the lower adjacent surface of said section, the aforesaid pivot points together defining a triangular truss‐like structure having rigid sides disposed under the flexible portion of said aerofoil construction, said sides being pivotally adjustable by the actuating member into positions defining a scries of triangles taking all the stresses in all positions of said flexible portion except those due to flexure of the latter and to aerodynamic forces.
(1954), "U.S. Patent Specifications", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 31-31. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb032387
Copyright © 1954, MCB UP Limited