Keeping Them in the Air
FOLLOWING on his article in our January issue on the evolution of the Royal Air Force servicing schedules (with the pendant note in February on how forethought, or the lack of it, in the design stage of an aeroplane can ease the work of, or cause unnecessary troubles to, servicing units), our Technical Editor was invited to make a tour of the Middle East Air Force to see how servicing is carried out ‘on location’ in the special conditions arising in this port of the world. The resulting article appears this month, but before dealing with some of the points arising out of it we must add our warm thanks to those expressed at the end of the article both to the Air Ministry and to all the officers concerned for the facilities offered and for the unfailing courtesy and helpful co‐operation so freely given. We may perhaps be forgiven for emphasizing that the original suggestion for the visit came from the Air Ministry unsought by ourselves. This is, naturally, a source of gratification to us, but is also welcome evidence of the enlightened attitude of the Royal Air Force towards the technical Press and of its readiness to make available to the aeronautical engineering world in general the results of its experience in this vitally important aspect of its organization.
(1950), "Keeping Them in the Air", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 22 No. 5, pp. 125-125.
Copyright © 1950, MCB UP Limited