Cantilever Wings for Modern Aircraft: Some Aspects of Cantilever Wing Construction with Special Reference to Weight and Torsional Stiffness
THE relative merits of the monoplane and the biplane have often been argued, and the respective advantages which, up to the present, have been claimed on either side still leave the solution of the question in doubt. Until now the bias in this country has been towards the biplane, but, as the knowledge with regard to methods of obtaining torsionally stiff structures grows, the pendulum is bound to swing the other way.
Stieger, H.J. (1929), "Cantilever Wings for Modern Aircraft: Some Aspects of Cantilever Wing Construction with Special Reference to Weight and Torsional Stiffness", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 1 No. 6, pp. 187-190.
Copyright © 1929, MCB UP Limited