Leadership in the Front Line: The changing nature of supervision in UK manufacturing
As a researcher on a three year EPRSC funded project on teamworking in manufacturing at the Change Management Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University, the writer's particular research focus within the project centres on the changing nature of first‐line supervision in UK manufacturing industries. He is about to embark on a ‘first phase’ case study at Rolls Royce Motors, a company which has been committed to teamworking since 1991, when the company underwent a major re‐organisation programme in which teamworking formed a major part of the new production system. [There are 16 manufacturing zones with ten manufacturing teams in each ‐ 160 team leaders]. There are ten collaborating companies on the project, and Rolls Royce will be the first to undergo ‘phase two’ research. [Initial data has already been collected from the companies]. The company is highly committed to the project, and is likely to provide richly contextualised data.
Parry, I. (1997), "Leadership in the Front Line: The changing nature of supervision in UK manufacturing", Management Research News, Vol. 20 No. 2/3, pp. 26-27. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb028529
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