Seeking Expert Advice for Better Performance: A Study of Small U.S. Export Firms
More than a decade after the introduction of the U.S. Export Trading Company Act of 1982, which primarily aimed at helping American firms market their products abroad, the U.S. today still has a great deal to catch up in improving its huge deficit position. To most Americans, it may seem difficult to accept that a superpower like the U.S. has lagged far behind its international trade partners, notably Japan and Germany. But as pointed out by Rossman, there is at least one major contributory factor for the poor performance of the U.S. in its world trade activities.
Chong, J.K.S. and Park, J. (1996), "Seeking Expert Advice for Better Performance: A Study of Small U.S. Export Firms", Management Research News, Vol. 19 No. 11, pp. 1-12.
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