Involving Doctors in Management: A Survey of the Management Development Career Needs of Selected Doctors in NHS Wales
The pace of the development within the NHS initiated both by recent government reforms aimed at introducing a more businesslike attitude to health care, coupled with advances in clinical medicine has necessitated a management response from the medial profession. To date, however, the management training of doctors remains sparse, and is almost non‐existent at medical undergraduate level due to the long demands of the clinical specialties. While the need for management development of doctors is recognised at postgraduate (Senior Registrar) level both access to and content of the training are strongly variable throughout the NHS in Wales. As Hadley and Forster (1993) note:—
Walker, R. and Morgan, P. (1996), "Involving Doctors in Management: A Survey of the Management Development Career Needs of Selected Doctors in NHS Wales", Management Research News, Vol. 19 No. 4/5, pp. 45-46.
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