Change in Employee Relations — Can Line Managers Deliver?
This paper originates from a 30‐month study funded by the Leverhulme Trust on ‘Preparing Managers for Changes in Employee Relations’. The study consists of two linked empirical stages, the first consisting of in‐depth surveys of 45 establishments, with aggregated employment in excess of 100,000 employees. Each establishment has been subjected to a lengthy questionnaire, in‐depth follow‐up interviews with senior on‐site managers and in some cases, additional questionnaires administered to line managers. The second stage, commencing in April 1995, consists of in‐depth case studies of six of these organisations.
Hyman, J. and Cunningham, I. (1996), "Change in Employee Relations — Can Line Managers Deliver?", Management Research News, Vol. 19 No. 4/5, pp. 35-37.
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