Integrated Library Systems: The Z39.50 SCAN Service
This issue, we will discuss another new features planned for Version 3 of Z39.50. The scan service is the sole service defined in the new Browse Facility. Other services should be standardized later. These include the ability to browse through a record in a result set or in a database, and the ability to browse a database itself. Scan provides the ability to browse a list of values, known as a term list, that particular attributes may take in a database of group of databases. A common example of this function is to scan an index created from a database, such as an author index created from a bibliographic database. Non‐library examples would be browsing the names of people in a personnel file or the course numbers in an academic calendar database.
Hinnebusch, M. (1993), "Integrated Library Systems: The Z39.50 SCAN Service", Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 46-49.
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