Macintosh Workstations
Motorola, Intel new processors. Microprocessors are the core of all personal computers and workstations, literally the computational heart on which hardware and software manufacturers depend to provide increasing power within ever shrinking packages. The two main microprocessor firms, Intel and Motorola, have accelerated the pace of processor design to the point that hardware and software takes months to fully take advantage of the new processor capabilities. At April's COMDEX/Spring 89 Conference in Chicago, Intel announced its newest extension of the 80x86 microprocessor line in the form of the i486. Motorola replied with its latest invention in the 680x0 family, the 68040 processor. Both chips check in with a million transistors or more, claim incredible calculation speeds, promise to be downwardly compatible with their slower relatives, and adopt a hybrid architecture.
Valauskas, E. (1989), "Macintosh Workstations", Library Workstation Report, Vol. 6 No. 6, pp. 11-15.
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