DOS Workstations
Hooking into the Electronic Grid. Cyberpunk science fiction postulates a world in the not too distant future where a vast information grid is responsible for most activity of any importance. Future hackers with the requisite skills and mental discipline can hook their brains directly to this grid and travel the ‘data paths’ in search of adventure. Novels such as Neuromancer by William Gibson have invigorated the often dull genre by extrapolating present trends into an all‐too‐believable near future. In some sense, the world postulated by cyberpunk is already here. Anyone connected to a network has already become dependent on the vast information grid that is now responsible for a great deal of activity. Indeed, a computer sitting off by itself may still be a useful tool. But with the addition of a modem it can serve as a window into a vast array of information and services.
Schuyler, M. (1989), "DOS Workstations", Library Workstation Report, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 1-6.
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