M300 and PC REPORT Volume 2 Issue 4 1985: The Independent Guide to M300 Workstations and IBM PC's in Libraries and Information Centers
The Agriculture Library acquired one of the three original M300s received by the University of Kentucky Libraries in spring of 1984. The M300 was placed in Agriculture because of the IBM PC expertise of some of the staff, and it was felt that the versatility of the machine could be effectively tested. Once the M300 was installed, funding was sought and approved through the College of Agriculture to acquire the auxiliaries, including a modem and printer. A Hayes 1200B modem and an IBM Quietwriter printer as well as an IBM keyboard were ordered to test the use of this machine.
(1985), "M300 and PC REPORT Volume 2 Issue 4 1985: The Independent Guide to M300 Workstations and IBM PC's in Libraries and Information Centers", M300 and PC Report, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 3-12. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb027352
Copyright © 1985, MCB UP Limited