This bibliography is a revised and extended edition of one put out by the Library in 1960. A general introduction discusses the merits and disadvantages of all types of classification and indexing. UDC and Library of Congress classification schemes are mentioned specifically. The first part lists references on filing, classification, and indexing systems, but also gives related material on organization of technical libraries and collections. This includes setting up a technical library, microfilm, and punched card techniques. The second part deals with universal systems of classification listing Bliss, Dewey, Library of Congress, and a larger number of references to UDC. The third part deals with specialized systems and systems for special subjects. This covers specialized classification systems such as US Patent Office, systems of co‐ordinate indexing with varying degrees of mechanization, and microform applications. The last part on thesauri is a completely new section. This lists most of the publicly available thesauri and shows the development there has been in this particular aspect of information retrieval.
(1966), "DOCUMENTATION SURVEY", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 347-356.
Copyright © 1966, MCB UP Limited