The qualifications needed for senior posts in academic libraries are 1. academic subject knowledge, to first degree level, but increasingly to higher degree level; 2. administrative and executive ability and experience; 3. knowledge of languages; 4. professional qualification in library techniques and bibliography. It is impossible to recruit staff with all these qualifications, particularly if higher degrees are required. Full‐time library education following first degree will continue to be a normal route for entry to work in academic libraries, but this must be supplemented for those with higher degrees and mature entrants to the profession. The training of professional library staff must not be regarded as a once‐for‐all matter, but as a process continuing through life. Present facilities for part‐time study are unsatisfactory. There is a need for the systematic organization of courses for those already in employment. These should be short, intensive, full‐time courses, of the summer‐school type, each dealing with one subject. Some such courses are now being organized, but they are not systematized and lead to no qualification. A programme of such courses, run by universities, library schools, libraries, and library organizations could be promoted by the Library Association and recognized for formal qualification. These courses would also provide for the need of practising librarians for ‘refresher’ courses and training in new aspects of librarianship.
RICHNELL, D.T. (1966), "UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 291-300.
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