France: The Poussin Saga
Problems to do with the authenticity or otherwise of works of art arise in all jurisdictions and it is normally the purchaser who cries foul when seeking to escape a bad, or even (see elsewhere in this journal) fraudulent bargain. Here we look at how the relevant provision of the French Civil Code worked to the advantage of the seller of a painting, a Poussin, and sec the workings and delays of the French judicial system in operation: though there is no suggestion of fraud (‘dol’) made, the Court of Appeal of Versailles, which finally decided the case, was not fooled by pleadings made that seemed of doubtful trustworthiness.
Peacock, D. (1995), "France: The Poussin Saga", Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 108-109.
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