Analysis of the acceptance behaviour of medical librarians and their patrons with regards to Medline on CD‐ROM
Two questionnaires were developed in order to gain some insight into medical librarians' attitude towards the various forms in which the Medline database is offered — printed version, online database and CD‐ROM. One was sent to about 200 medical libraries in The Netherlands and the other was distributed among the users of the Core Medline/Ebsco CD‐ROM disc in The Netherlands. Responses to the first questionnaire produced answers about the altitude among Dutch librarians towards this new technology and the current rate of acceptance. Responses to the second questionnaire produced insight on the user audience, as far as current use of printed bibliographies and online services is concerned as well as the users altitude towards Medline on CD‐ROM and the preferred time span and journal selection for the CD‐ROM version of Medline.
Eger, A.J. (1988), "Analysis of the acceptance behaviour of medical librarians and their patrons with regards to Medline on CD‐ROM", Online Review, Vol. 12 No. 6, pp. 341-349.
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