Patron presence during the online search: attitudes of university librarians
A controversial issue involving online searching is the presence of the patron during the search process. Searcher attitudes of patron presence were examined by use of a nationwide survey (N=198). It was found that 77% of the searchers preferred to have the patron present. Regression analysis indicated that two factors accounted for 72% of the variance of patron presence: the ability of the searcher to refine the search with the patron present and the searcher's time schedule allowing for patron presence. Only 16% of the searchers admitted to being nervous with the patron present. Concern about making spelling errors accounted for 44% of the variance of searcher nervousness.
Salomon, K. and Burgess, C. (1984), "Patron presence during the online search: attitudes of university librarians", Online Review, Vol. 8 No. 6, pp. 549-558.
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