Connect is an intelligent terminal package developed specifically for use with online information retrieval and electronic mail services. It allows complete flexibility in both uploading and downloading information, including logon procedures and prepared search profiles. Capture of data is simple and all host products can be emulated, including Flow Control. Ten user definable keys, independent of hardware, are available for storing information such as logon procedures. An unlimited number of Host Profiles can be used to store the values of User Keys, protocols, baud rate, etc. All communications parameters are controlled by Connect with no need to use separate utilities such as Setup, Configure, etc., and can be stored in each Host Profile. A unique feature of Connect is a usage Log, which enables details and ownership of search sessions to be stored on disk in a format compatible with many applications packages, such as Dbasell and Infostar, for the production of itemised activity reports and analyses. Connect can also be used to transfer files, including programmes, from micro to micro, and is available for most common machines.
(1984), "News", Online Review, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 196-211.
Copyright © 1984, MCB UP Limited
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