Public database services in Hungary
One of the most important categories of data flow applications is databases — especially public databases. Without going into depth concerning the philosophy of database classification, in what follows we are going to describe and analyse the state of public database production and services in Hungary. All data and statistics that are used were published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (Orszagas Statisztikai Hivatal), the National Technical Library and Documentation Center (Orszagos Mueszaki Koenyvtar es Dokumentacios Koezpont—OMKDK) and by the Information Center for Construction and Building (Epitesuegyi Tajekoztatasi Koezpont) and in other printed publications. At this early point we would like to mention that OMKDK was recently reorganised and extended by new functions and now is called OMIK, but throughout the paper when mentioning this institution we refer to its old name, which was valid when the data for this study were collected.
Sebestyen, I. (1983), "Public database services in Hungary", Online Review, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 239-269.
Copyright © 1983, MCB UP Limited