Factors affecting future online services
Technological advances have resulted in the exponential growth of online services over the past few years and are predicted to provide ever‐increasing capabilities. However, social, economic and political factors will also influence the direction, extent and impact of such developments. Wise planners should consider the potential effects of both technological and non‐technological factors when major decisions must be made regarding information‐related commitments of time, effort and financial resources. This paper uses the example of bibliographic retrieval services to explore potential impacts upon areas of concern to the user of online services. Four types of influencing factors are addressed: the momentum already evident in historic usage trends; technological advances; actions/policies intended to enhance or control evolving services; and other social, economic and political developments which will affect future online capabilities.
Clayton, A. (1981), "Factors affecting future online services", Online Review, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 287-300. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb024065
Copyright © 1981, MCB UP Limited