The First Annual Melvil Booby Awards
Many of us who are involved in the business of purchasing books for library collections have long recognized the need to reward singular achievements on the part of those publishers who sell us (or refuse to sell us) materials. Accordingly, I, as a committee of one, have moved with alacrity to create just such a reward, to be called the Melvil Booby Award. The award will consist of a hand‐lettered certificate of recognition for a splendid job of screwing up, and a replica of a shipping carton that has been hopelessly mangled by the USPS, cast in bronze. From a field of hundreds of candidates, the following five publishers have been chosen as hands‐down winners of this prestigious award for 1987. And the winners are:
(1988), "The First Annual Melvil Booby Awards", Collection Building, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 37-39.
Copyright © 1988, MCB UP Limited