An Inventory for the '80s
In the autumn of 1984, Tutt Library at Colorado College decided to buck the trend among libraries and began an inventory of its main Dewey Decimal collection. Excluded from the inventory were government publications, special collections, theses, current best sellers, paperbacks, and videotapes. Tutt's last inventory was taken in 1958, and its remnants had never been cleared from the shelflist. The library, which houses approximately 210,343 titles in 319,198 volumes (including special collections), wanted more precise information to assist it in making decisions on choosing a security system and online catalog and circulation systems; it also looked forward to other benefits, such as:
Spicer, C.A. (1987), "An Inventory for the '80s", Collection Building, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 16-18.
Copyright © 1987, MCB UP Limited