Spreading the Word: The Billion Dollar Christian Book Industry
An astute and dedicated follower of The New York Times Book Review “Bestsellers” column may have noted an unusual entry in the hardcover bestseller list on September 11, 1983. The nonfiction title popped up, in fifth place no less, and just as quickly went off the list in the next issue of NYTBR; but that is not what made the title unusual. What did is the fact that it was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, a religious publishing house which claims to be the “world's leading Bible publisher,” and produces such giants for the bible‐buying world as The Open Bible, The New King James Version, and The Good News Bible, huge sellers all. The book which made the list in The New York Times Book Review, however, was not a bible, but a self‐help book called Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do, by Robert H. Schuller, a radio/TV evangelist whose weekly programs claim a listening/viewing audience in the millions.
(1984), "Spreading the Word: The Billion Dollar Christian Book Industry", Collection Building, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 48-51. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb023132
Copyright © 1984, MCB UP Limited