Recent and Future Developments in Labour Law
The Employment Act 1988 is the latest legislation in the government's step by step measures to weaken trade unions and to some extent to weaken the encouragement of collective bargaining. The 1988 legislation has been preceded by the Employment Acts 1980 and 1982, the Trade Union Act 1984 and the Wages Act 1986. These numerous legislative measures make the law they cover both complex and confusing. In the resumé which follows, it is not proposed to treat the complex issues which arise as a result of the inter‐relationship of the various pieces of legislation. These have already been treated elsewhere. It is however proposed to examine the salient features of the 1988 Act in a succinct and brief manner.
Carby‐Hall, J.R. (1989), "Recent and Future Developments in Labour Law", Managerial Law, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 1-20.
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