Addressing the contractor selection problem using an evidential reasoning approach
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
ISSN: 0969-9988
Article publication date: 1 March 2001
Selecting the ‘best’ main contractor is a complex decision process for construction clients. It requires a large number of criteria to be simultaneously measured and evaluated. Many of these criteria are related to one another in a complex way and therefore, they very often conflict insofar as improvement in one often results in decline of another(s). Furthermore, as contractors' attributes are expressed in both quantitative and qualitative terms, decision‐makers have to base their judgements on both quantitative data and experiential subjective assessments. In this paper, the evidential reasoning (ER) approach (which is capable of processing both quantitative and qualitative measures) is applied as a means of solving the contractor selection problem (CSP). The process of building a multiple criteria decision model of a hierarchical structure is presented, in which both quantitative and qualitative information is represented in a unified manner. The CSP is then fully investigated using the ER approach. Both the advantages of applying this model in practice and the analysis process itself are discussed.
SÖNMEZ, M., YANG, J.B. and HOLT, G.D. (2001), "Addressing the contractor selection problem using an evidential reasoning approach", Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, Vol. 8 No. 3, pp. 198-210.
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