The use of epoxide resins in ANTI‐CORROSION PAINTS
Of all the resins used by paint technologists in the formulation of paints the most interesting, as a class, are the epoxy resins. This interest stems, not from their chemical composition, but from the enormous range of practical uses to which these resins can be put. An attempt has been made in this paper, read to the N.E. branch of BACE, to rationalise the common ways in which epoxy resins are used as protective film formers and to simplify the choice of systems for any particular corrosion problem.
Denny, J.P.M. (1964), "The use of epoxide resins in ANTI‐CORROSION PAINTS", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 15-17.
Copyright © 1964, MCB UP Limited