Materials Science and Technology Although corrosion is not specifically mentioned in the terms of reference of the recently announced Working Party on Materials Science and Technology formed under the auspices of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, it obviously must be one of the subjects for consideration. It is interesting to note the careful balance between theory and practice maintained when choosing the members of this Working Party, as only too often in such projects is the tendency towards overlooking the latter in favour of the former. That this is not so may be seen from the fact that approximately one‐third of the members are academic, the remainder being from research associations and industrial and national laboratories. Also, some 20% belong to the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Another important feature which should ensure success is the wide variety of interests of the industrial members, these including paper, concrete, rubber, plastics, ceramics, glass and, of course, metals.
(1963), "COMMENTARY", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 10 No. 5, pp. 107-110.
Copyright © 1963, MCB UP Limited