Brakes Off Productivity. ‘WHAT is productivity but the elirnination of avoidable waste in all its forms?’ So said Mr. Harold Wilson on opening the Corrosion and Metal Finishing Exhibition in November last. In its broadest sense this is true. This being National Productivity Year, more consideration may be given to ways in which corrosion is wasteful and at least a partial brake attached to the wheels of production. Perhaps more accurately the brake should be regarded in the plural since it is ubiquitous and will never be fully on or fully off everywhere at the same time, but will re‐apply itself in many ways in changing conditions in different degrees. Perhaps this is just as well for we mercenaries in the corrosion war.
(1963), "COMMENTARY", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 1-4.
Copyright © 1963, MCB UP Limited