Plant Instruments in Corrosive Atmospheres: THEIR DESIGN, SITING AND MAINTENANCE
Modern industrial instruments often have to be placed in surroundings which can easily corrode both outer and inner parts, resulting in, firstly, deterioration in appearance and, secondly, breakdown of accuracy of measurement. In its early stages corrosion can obstruct the movement of inner working parts. In electronic instruments, for example, the contacts between, say, the socket of a valve and the wired or printed circuit might suffer. In this article questions of instrument design and panel design are discussed, the importance of correct installation and maintenance is emphasised and some examples of avoidable corrosion given.
Walter, L. (1956), "Plant Instruments in Corrosive Atmospheres: THEIR DESIGN, SITING AND MAINTENANCE", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 3 No. 7, pp. 221-225.
Copyright © 1956, MCB UP Limited