Corrosion Problems on THE TEXAS GULF COAST: PART TWO
This article will discuss corrosion and associated subjects as encountered at the two plants of The Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas. This firm has an investment in this area in excess of $200 million (£71 million) and produces a variety of organic products, plastics, magnesium, bromine, chlorine and caustic soda as well as many related items. The plants are located about six miles apart on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico where climatic, physiographical and industrial conditions are such that corrosion control is imperative to successful operation. This is the second of two articles; the first featured atmospheric corrosion and painting, and appeared in CORROSION TECHNOLOGY last month.
Rust, A.D. (1956), "Corrosion Problems on THE TEXAS GULF COAST: PART TWO", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 3 No. 6, pp. 185-190.
Copyright © 1956, MCB UP Limited